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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

The dangers of stop having Sex


Have you ever thought about what would happed to you if you started having sex and then stop having it for a very long time??.

What will happend ?what are the side effect to the husbend or the wife in this situation?

First of all we have to agree that having sex with your life partner and with love it will positively effect your health, so that sex will turn from a desire to a prevrntion from deseases.

After the sexual interruption,and after your body was accustomed to sex,there will be some dangers threaten your health.

-you may have depression

-week ammunity,catch deseases fater that usual.

-Mood swings

-Men can develop prostate cancer

-Excessive and constant tension

-sometimes psychological complications and lack of self confidence may accure

-A chill accure between the spouses and they lose thiere passion and a part of love for each other.

-In general, a man cannot live without sexual intercourse for more then tree months.

It must be mensioned that all the advantage that result from having Sex will be negatively affected upon cessation of intimacy.

Maintaining an antimate relationships with your partner will improve your psychological and physical that you will be more relaxed and susceptible to stress

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